Mind + Body Working Together
Talking therapies don't always work as quickly as we'd like. And for some, it might not always be the right approach in the first place.
Cognomovement is a mind-body exercise which creates a change in our ‘feelings’.
For example, if you've been experiencing levels of 'grief' for a while and every time you think of that loved one you may feel that grief literally grabbing your heart, and every time you feel that grab or ache, your automated response is to cry or even worse, try and suck that emotion in!
In a Cognomovement session, your focus is on the feeling...the feeling of someone grabbing your heart. In Cognomovement we are not talking to the mind.
Most people believe that your brain creates the feeling, the emotion. But in truth, your brain and your nervous system work as one. When your senses experience something familiar, your brain (a logical system) will respond to those feelings accordingly based on past experience. Thus triggering your auto response (fight, flight or freeze). It's our nervous system (the feeling in your body) that triggers your brain to respond or take action accordingly (reaction).
Cognomovement works on the feeling you have, using simple exercises with the patented Cogno ball, which is classed by the FDA as a low risk wellness device. And even though Cognomovement is considered a non-talking approach, it's expected that most people will naturally talk about their feelings during the session, but it's not necessary.
As we move through the session, your brain may start to remember past events as the nervous system starts to calm. You may start to recall the event differently without the triggering emotion, and that's okay as talking it through without the old emotion will help you to see a new perspective. For one of my clients whose mother had passed, a grief session really helped her. It meant she was able to present a talk about her mother, without all the emotion flooding through. Instead, the emotion was of great love for her, rather than the grief of loss.
I'm only giving grief as an example. As it can work on all our emotions...anger, fear, guilt, stress, anxiety, negative feelings and habitual thoughts that cause you to stress; as well as weight issues, cravings, performance, and you know what? My fellow practitioners are still discovering new benefits, such as helping with autism and neurological symptoms that impact the bodies' movement.
So, How Does it Work?
Cognomovement does this by rapidly engaging both parts of the brain. The right brain recognises 3 dimensional objects and the left side of the brain recognises colours and shapes.
We exercise both parts of your brain using the specially designed Cogno ball whilst you focus on the issue. And as you focus on the issue, you will probably feel it somewhere in your body, such as an ache in your chest or a tightening of the throat. Wherever it is, we use that intensity as a gauge.
We then perform a series of simple movements/exercises with the Cogno ball; and as you do this you’ll find that the intensity of your feeling (the gauge) reduces.
When the body is no longer feeling it, the brain no longer needs to react to it (fight, flight or freeze). Over time, the feeling that triggered the thought process and repeated patterns just remain a memory.
Thus, you no longer feel the same, and you'll feel lighter because we've helped you to reset that experience, allowing you to gain back that energy and move forward.
Possible Additional Benefits
- Increase in energy
- Increase in focus
- In some cases our clients can’t even remember that they had a problem
- Relationships improved
- Creativity increases
- Sleep improves